One thing we consistently access is our keys. What a better way to remember to bless, then a charm for the key ring? Whether opening the door to my home, the mailbox, or starting the car, every time, I pull out my keys, I see this simple reminder. It takes me to a centered place. Even if I’m in a hurry, hearing the phone ring, composing a blog in my head, whatever, I can come back to the “take a deep breath” place.
All my animals have a heart and/or blessing charm on their collars or halters. The exception to that are my barn cats which I have not seen since I adopted them from the shelter. They are safe and warm and fed every day but they are so not seen. My intention is that they are blessed even if they don’t wear collars with charms.
Back to heart charms. I’ve attached them to some of my zippers on my jackets and purses. They are meant to be seen and used, every day, every way. I like them because they are simple and inexpensive. I don’t feel like I have to save them for a special occasion.
It’s always good to be reminded that one is loved! Happy A to Z!
Love and Blessed for sure.