“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” -Rumi How many times have you said or heard? “I was in the zone and everything just flowed. I didn’t have to think about it.” That truly is when we are creating from our soul, from our heart. We don’t have to make it happen, it just does. When I’m in this place, time stands still, for I am truly in the moment. And when I stop, I feel gratified and fulfilled.
But, when I push it and try to be creative, it never feels good. I usually end of scraping the piece I was working on. I can push and try to write, draw, design even cook and if I’m not coming from my creative side, it’s mediocre.
I don’t even try to do this when I training a horse. You have heard that old saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”. Well the same is true in any part of their training, don’t push or try. I get in the moment and get quiet, listen and watch for the subtle clues the horse is giving me. That’s when the two of us come together to create something new and beautiful.